Thursday, May 6, 2010

LOVE - a mYsTeRyyy ?????

Love is a word which has no meaning,
Love is a feeling which can't be defined,
Love is a question which has no answer,
Love is an answer which has lota os questions,
Love is a game which is won n lost simultaneously,
Love is a pain which hurts but gives happiness,
Love is a joy which sumtimes brings tears in the eyes,
Love is an addiction which is not caused by drugs,
Love is a disease which has no cure,
Love is a war which makes happy even in its defeat,
Love is a joke which makes everyone smile,
Love is a key which locks and unlocks the heart,
Love is a problem which can't be resolved,
Love is a journey which can never be finished,
Love is a silence which speaks more than words,


Though the MAZE of love can never be solved ,

But still, why everyone wants to enter this maze???????????????

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